
网站首页 / 新闻中心 / 行业新闻 / 钨合金螺丝的耐腐蚀和氧化能力如何?


钨合金螺丝s demonstrate superior resistance to corrosion compared to many conventional materials. This enhanced corrosion resistance is primarily due to the intrinsic properties of tungsten and the alloying elements used. Tungsten itself is highly stable and does not easily react with most acids, alkalis, and salts. This stability is crucial in preventing material degradation and maintaining the integrity of the screws in various corrosive environments. Tungsten alloys are particularly effective in environments exposed to aggressive chemicals, including acids and alkalis, making them suitable for applications in chemical processing industries and marine environments.

由于钨的熔点约为 3422°C (6192°F),钨合金螺丝的抗氧化性非常出色。这种高熔点使钨合金能够承受极端温度而不会发生明显氧化。在标准操作条件下,钨合金保持其结构完整性和性能。然而,在超过 500°C (932°F) 的高温下,钨可能开始形成氧化钨。尽管如此,氧化过程相对较慢,并且在温度较低的大多数应用中对材料性能的影响很小。这一特性使钨合金螺钉非常适合高温环境,包括航空航天和汽车应用。




Tungsten alloy screw